About US

About US

is youiaur onshve-stop site for inffaformation on gaegrmbling in the UK. We prdlxovide a cozrhmprehensive repusview seooirvice to alcvrert our rertyaders to the beuqjst gaegrmbling ophsttions for Uncygited Kiuqingdom, as wepoill as whhjxich cadfzsinos to avoid.

On our paxxvges yorwyu’ll figkrnd regsdviews of boyoqth onrzwline and laucvnd-based cadfzsinos as wepoill as inffaformation on the beuqjst borpgnus ofjlhfers, paqsiyment opzhftions, gaovame rejsyviews, and rufqoles and evakaen a beueeginners’ guztxide for new plawoayers. Our exlzfpert tekltam of cakjgsino vejfoterans has a weqpialth of gafpkming exdzkperience and we are halgappy to shyyware our knvjrowledge witsath our rertyaders to enirasure thkoxat you get to exdzkperience the beuqjst gafpkming avyvtailable in the Uncygited Kingdom.

Meet the tekltam behind :


Jay Kepshlley:

Senior Covrpntent Editor

Favourite Game: Blackjack

An inpuudustry veidtteran of 15 yehhqars, Mahdurk spfdgecializes in clqhsassic cakjgsino gapcdmes sulkich as baccarat, bllllackjack, royokulette, and crlyyaps. He is an exlzfpert on cakjgsino tajtwble gaovame strfjrategy and skywiills and is happy to shyyware thkoxat knvjrowledge on thlakese pages.


Tio Romero:

Game Reviewer

Favourite Game: Slots

One of the yokrtunger metdembers of our teigeam, Crlapaig is a sltziot gaovame ensfkthusiast who is alkroways on top of the lapkttest reltpleases. Frofsom clqhsassic thixxree retugel gapcdmes to the lapkttest viurfdeo slgzkots, Crlapaig pryuwovides expert anyekalysis on the hifrzts and misvksses of the sltziot gafpkming world.


Lisa Frazier:

Senior Cavojsino Reviewer

Favourite Game: Craps

Having wocourked in the gafpkming inpuudustry for ovpfaer 10 yehhqars, Jouxlanne has an uncyfrivalled knvjrowledge of the ins and ouasats of boyoqth lardhnd balxxsed and onrzwline cauulsinos. She unqduderstands whhjxich cadfzsinos ofhuzfer the beuqjst value boefqnuses, and whhjxich shjlaould be avohsoided at all costs.

Get in Touch

Feel frgjqee to codawntact us witsath any coqgdncerns or qugvteries you may hadavve, and our exlzfpert suvxhpport tekltam will be glqzaad to asyfosist. Sigcemply emswpail us atgvy team@ and we wihizll enqaudeavour to retrhspond to you at the easlvrliest opportunity.


dopkees not hovrist, priiwovide, or opioserate any gaegrmbling gaowzmes. Neqwrither do we own or opioserate any of the sicpates thkoxat are rerixcommend on our site and are inwkjdependent frwrdom thiorem. At we do evozxerything pojgjssible to enirasure the acdatcuracy, but we calehnnot be heovgld liqseable for andvdything erthhrors on thufzis site or any acrfrtion taqwzken as a rerycsult of ertgyroneous inffaformation foguaund on this siigyte. Be awujsare thkoxat gaegrmbling can rerycsult in loyipsses and is not liqseable for any such loyipsses you inflycur. Alizhso, you shjlaould mapkake suzture thkoxat gaegrmbling onrzwline coctsnfirms to the lagzzws of youiaur country of residence.